COUNCILLOR Gemma Davies’ shopping habits must be different from those of anyone I know if she believes that improving the architecture and configuration of a run-down shopping centre will bring a new influx of big spenders to a city which is already quite well-endowed with shops of all kinds.

The new Maylord shopping centre might take a few customers away from other Hereford shops but that will not benefit the city or the county as a whole, so why spend £26 million of taxpayers’ money on it?

There are plenty of other ways to spend that money and plenty of more useful options for Maylords!


I would also query featuring a rooftop garden and replacing the existing escalator with a “sleek, modern staircase”.

Is Herefordshire Council going to put up a notice outside Maylords saying “Elderly, frail or disabled people not welcome here”, because almost a third of the county’s population is over 60 and the ability to walk up and down stairs is one of the first problems of increasing age.

Please, think again lest you replace one obsolete shopping centre with a white elephant at considerable cost and to the detriment of all the city’s other traders.


  • What is your view on the proposal for Maylord Shopping Centre? Have your views heard HERE