WORK is underway at one of Hereford's shopping centres as the council invested £100,000 in the city centre site.

Herefordshire Council said work is underway for "new and improved" toilets at Maylord Orchards shopping centre.

The toilets closed in July 2019 as the company managing the centre at the time was under "financial pressure", but the local authority has recently taken the site back over for around £4.5million.

The decision left the city centre with limited public toilets, with the closest in Old Market Shopping Centre.

It secured control of the centre in June 2020 with a view to redeveloping the site to support the regeneration of the city centre.

The £100,000 investment will also see improvements to enable a number of vacant units to be utilised by pop up retailers, bringing benefits for existing and potential businesses as well as the public.

Councillor Gemma Davies, cabinet member for commissioning, procurement and assets, said: “I am delighted that work is due to begin on improving the Maylord Orchards shopping centre, which is one of the most prominent features of Hereford and a key element of our ambitions to regenerate the city centre.

“These works are great news for shoppers, visitors, existing and new businesses, and the city centre as a whole.

"The result will be a much improved shopping experience with new and improved facilities that will help to further increase footfall and boost local businesses.

"It is a tough time for the high street nationwide, so projects like these are more important than ever to help support businesses and promote the growth of our local economy when we are able to welcome people back to the town centre after the Covid-19 restrictions.”

At a council meeting in November, economic development manager Nick Webster said: “I can confirm that the majority of that £100,000 is for the toilets which would bring them back into use.”

Herefordshire Council added the improvements to Maylord Orchards are one of five projects that will be delivered by the end of March using £750,000 from the government’s Accelerated Towns Fund.

Further improvement works to the shopping centre are due to be delivered during 2021/22.