A MORRIS Clementson conversion sparked wild celebrations amongst the Luctonians supporters as their second team beat Bromsgrove firsts in the North Midlands Cup final.

Bromsgrove’s firsts finished this season in third at Level 5 and could hardly believe being beaten by a second team from two levels below. 

The underdogs signalled their intent right from the start when they turned over Bromsgrove’s first attack and handled the ball through 14 phases before losing it inches from the line.

The Herefordians then scored on 20 minutes when hooker, Joel Middleton benefitted from a well driven lineout to dive over.

The unconverted try seemed to galvanise Bromsgrove, who for the rest of the half took charge of the territory and in the 34th minute won a penalty which was converted by flyhalf Will Harris, an act that he repeated in the 39th minute from the 10 metre line.

Despite lots of ball Bromsgrove were unable to breakdown the well-structured defence that Luctonians 2nds put up and on being awarded a scrum penalty they opted for the three points again to lead 9-5 at half-time.

Refreshed and tactically refocussed Lucs started the second half on the front foot and Tyler Morris kicked three points from a penalty in front of the posts.

Following the restart Bromsgrove were awarded a penalty and increased their score five minutes later with a well taken try in the backs from phase play to lead 14-8

No. 8 Aiden Chesshire was introduced for Lucs, with no game time this season due to a knee injury, he was unbelievable and showed why he has been so respected in National 2 West over the past few seasons.

In the 70th minute Lucs centre Gethin Davies received a pass on his own 10 metre line. He took advantage of a dog leg in the defence, accelerated through it and in open space with only the fullback to beat touched down in the corner for an unconverted try (14-13).

Bromsgrove were not finished when six minutes later the right wing broke through a couple of tackles and ran to into the 22m before offloading to his centre for a well worked try to lead 19-13.

With only minutes of the cup tie left the black and white army pitch-side found their voice, and a juggernaut rolling maul resulted in substitute hooker Ethan Allan touching down under a pile of bodies to draw back to one point.

The gap in leagues between these two sides meant that Bromsgrove 1stXV had nothing to gain and everything to lose in this encounter.

The Herefordshire pitch invasion started before the conversion hit the ground with supporters leaping the barriers as Clementson kicked the winning conversion.

There was chaos but at the heart of it was the quiet 19-year-old Australian who had coolly kicked Luctonians into the history books, as the first 2nd XV who will feature as winners on the North Midlands Cup.