THE FOUNDING shareholders of Hereford FC have offered to match the contribution of fans from this season’s Squad Builder initiative.

The initiative allows fans to contribute a sum to help Hereford boss Paul Caddis’ squad budget for the forthcoming season.

Last year £60,000 was donated by fans from the initiative and the founding shareholders were part of that contribution.

The founding shareholders injected £250,000 into the club in 2015.

“I am hugely grateful for this generous offer as it creates a fantastic opportunity for individual supporters to really help boost Squad Builder, because any money donated will be doubled,” club chairman Chris Ammonds told the club’s website.

“During our meeting, the Founding Shareholders – who contribute to Squad Builder every year – told me how much they had enjoyed the 2023/24 season and how proud they were to be part of the magnificent support offered by fans throughout the campaign.

“They also spoke of their pleasure at seeing the bond rebuilt between the stands, terraces and the pitch.

“They were clear it is the brilliant support and the ‘feel good’ factor currently around the club that has inspired them to put forward this exciting idea.

“I’d like to place on record my sincere thanks for this offer and I really hope it adds new impetus to our Squad Builder initiative moving forward and that it takes donations towards the club’s playing budget to new levels.”

In addition to the Squad Builder initiative the club has also launched a membership card scheme for this season.

More information about both initiatives are available on the Hereford FC club website.