Would you please thank those who helped us to make Leominster's Picnic on the Grange on Monday 4th a resounding success. It was a great day with a happy and carefree atmosphere.

Families and friends arrived with picnic baskets, blankets, chairs etc and made 'base camps' listening to the music and watching their children having fun. We want to thank J D Wetherspoon and S and A Produce for sponsoring the giant slide and wall which allowed kids to ride free all day. Huge thanks to The Bridge Street Buddies for their magnificent show and also Rob Parker's Music and his bands and dancers.

Next stop Leominster Victorian Street Market on Saturday 8 December 2012. Stall enquiries to patricia7.rogers@btinternet.com.

PAT ROGERS Leominster Attractions Group Ebnal Close, Leominster