ALL the councillors and chief officers and several scribes met, on July 15, to vote on whether it was fair to have the chair of Herefordshire Council’s overview and scrutiny committee from the same party as the cabinet, the work of which is being scrutinised.

I guess most readers of this paper will immediately say of course not. But our elected representatives took two hours of repetitive debate to decide it was valid, by just one vote.

One valiant councillor pointed out that the current chairman, Councillor Bramer had a vested interest and should have abstained, but the ruling party chairman, Coun Olwyn Barnett ruled that it was up to the individual member to decide whether he had a vested interest.

Remember he collects substantial expenses for this position.

Already the new administration is showing it is a reincarnation of the previous one.


St Weonards, Herefordshire.