PLEASE can I ask the readers of your newspaper to follow 'The Countryside Code' and DEFRA guidelines by refraining from cutting all hedgerows between March 1 and July 31, to permit the conservation of wild birds and their young. The Deptartment of Agriculture and Rural Development actually increase their boundary until August 31.

Last year there was a massive increase in the amount of wild birds killed and the injured being taken to animal sanctuaries which are already overflowing, these are often struggling to carry on as the donations have dropped with the credit crunch.

I would also ask that would people who are strimming please check for hedgehogs sleeping in the day, last year there were lots of calls in this area, with deaths, maiming and suffering, and also the use of less slug pellets or none at all which is even better. The cost to rescue these animals both emotionally and financially is enormous, so please think about the wildlife before you venture into your gardens. Thank you.