Motorists beware - keep a roll of Sellotape in your glovebox and when you buy a parking ticket stick it on to your dashboard! I received a fine of £45 because my ticket "was not clearly displayed". Although I had displayed it face up (who would display it face down?) it must have flipped over when I shut the car door and although I was well within my time, I met the parking warden sticking a ticket on my windscreen! I had paid £2.20 for 3 hours and as stated on the ticket "displayed it on my dashboard". I appealed on the grounds that, first, I had placed the ticket face up and there was insufficient signage to warn drivers to stick the ticket in place, secondly, the charge of £45 was excessive since I had paid for more time than I used and parked in the middle of a legal space obstructing nobody. I finally won the case, but it was very stressful because £45 is a lot of money, especially when you've already paid to park.