IT was refreshing to read in Hereford Times that at long last councillors are expressing their support for library services within the county.

Under the 1964 Libraries and Museums Act, the Council is obliged to fund Libraries and Museums; failing to do so can lead to intervention by the Secretary for State.

Hereford libraries are badly in need of an overhaul and services need to cater not only for the elderly, but for children of all ages, young adults and students, the disabled and indeed for all the population who are scattered in rural areas with poor and decreasing public transport.

Computer access is also important as much information can now only be found on-line.

Many residents are disenfranchised because, either they have no access to a computer.

Councillors are surely aware that this county has a low wage economy.

Thus books do not feature on the shopping list if budgets are tight – all the more reason to provide good library and information services.

We have just returned from six weeks in Australia where library services are far superior to those to be found in the UK.

Our daughter lives in Melbourne, where local councils are improving libraries and building new ones. There is also a magnificent Victoria State Library which could rival the British Library, as well as university libraries which are well stocked,with books, magazines and newspapers, and computers and Wi-Fi access at every desk.

All the libraries that we visited were busy, which only goes to prove that if a good service is provided, it will be heavily used.

Mrs. Joan Williamson

Madley, Herefordshire