
  • County youngsters advise top climate scientists

    THREE Herefordshire youngsters have advised leading climate scientists and policy makers on how to engage 11 to 18-year-olds in tackling climate change. Jamie Elliott, Sam Jones and Emily Young, pupils at Weobley High School, presented their views at

  • First meeting of The Red Hat Society

    Ladies!! The first official organisational meeting will take place in my home in Belmont at 2:00 P.M. Thursday the 16th of November. You do not need to come in the Red Hat prescribed garb for this meeting just come. We will be putting our thinking caps

  • Battling Bulls earn replay

    Shrewsbury Town 0 Hereford United 0 HEREFORD United earned a second crack at an appearance in round two of the FA Cup with a battling display at Gay Meadow. The Bulls, without loan players John Eustace and Neil MacKenzie as well as Stuart Fleetwood

  • Store to sell only county goods

    A NEW shop is pledging to sell only products that are grown or sown in the county. Monkland Cheese Dairy, ales from the Spinning Dog Brewery and Bodenham English Wines are just a few of the products that will fill the shelves at The Herefordshire Farm