TALK - Tomorrow (Friday) “Branwen”, a 15th century herbalist, wise woman and midwife, dressed in medieval costume, will be bringing her props with her for an interesting evening at 7.30pm at Hilston Park.

ASTRONOMY - Skenfrith Village Hall welcomes back Dark Skies Wales on November 3, following up from last year’s successful visit with the mobile planetarium. This year, Allan Trow, lead presenter with DSW, will take guests on a musically inspired flight through the universe with his ‘space opera’ inside the magical planetarium, featuring a 3D tour and classical music. Then, weather permitting, Allan will lead star-gazing in the deep dark skies over Skenfrith. Tickets are £10 which includes a soup supper. There will be two sessions, one at 7.30pm, one at 8.15pm. Tickets from John Lee on 01600 750255 or by emailing joandjohn.lee@btinternet.
