PARISH COUNCIL – The next meeting of Bosbury and Coddington parish council will be at 7.30pm on September 6, in Bosbury parish hall. Members of the public are welcome to attend. A copy of the meeting agenda will be displayed on the parish council notice board outside the hall from September 3.

FLOWERS - Bosbury WI will host a floral art demonstration at Bosbury Parish Hall on Thursday, September 13, from 7.30pm.

JUMBLE - First Bosbury Beaver Scouts are planning a jumble sale in the autumn to raise funds for the group. Now is an opportunity to help support the adventure of Scouting in Bosbury, by saving good quality toys, clothing and collectables, ready for collection by the Beavers in September. For more information about when collections will be made or to offer help with the group, call Helen Gadsby on 01531 640371 or email helengadsby@