DANCERS - Tomorrow (Friday) the Travelling Morris Dancers will be performing outside the Bells Inn at 12.15pm.

SCARECROWS - The Olympics and Diamond Jubilee are the themes for Almeley Parish Scarecrow Trail exhibits on display around the village throughout August. The competition, with a prize of £2,0 is sponsored by the Bells Inn, and will be judged at the village fete on August 19 by BBC Hereford and Worcester’s Andrew Easton. Entry forms are available from Roz Hughes on 01544 340227.

WEEKEND - Almeley Parish Weekend is on August 18-19. On the Saturday there will be open gardens at Newport House, Batch Cottage, Kymin Cottage, The Old Villa, 1 Church Terrace, Stonewell Cottage, Corner House and others. Accompanied by organ music, teas will be served in St Mary's Church. The next day the activities will be in and around Spearmarsh Common and the village hall. There will be a live jazz band, games, face-painting, a variety of stalls, car boots, competitions and teas served by the Almeley WI. Later on there will be a barbecue.

Call Sandra Payne on 01544 340645 if you can offer items for the various stalls and also to book a stall or car boot.

COUNCIL - A meeting was held in the village hall with the neighbourhood development plan being the subject. It was chaired by Mr Glyn-Jones with Mr Bannister, Herefordshire forward planning officer plus 48 Almeley residents in attendance. Almeley Parish Council is committed to the preparation of a plan which enables it, with the agreement of the local community, to exercise powers under the Localism Bill 2011 to influence land use and development in the parish. A steering group has been set up to assist the council and public consultation will take place on a regular basis.