SHOP - The village shop re-opened on June 12, as a convenience store and Post Office, stocking a wide variety of produce. The shop will be open from 8.15am to 5.30pm Monday to Saturday so people are urged to support it.

The post office is available five hours per week as before. Free delivery is available in the Mordiford area.

CHURCH - The PCC is currently looking for more volunteers to clean the church each week on a monthly roster. Anyone willing to join the roster should contact one of the church wardens on 01432 870268.

HOLIDAY CLUBS - For children in years threesix with qualified coaches at Mordiford School – football or cheerleading/street jazz sessions run from July 30 to August 2 between 10am and 3pm. Only £3.50 per child per day. Spaces are limited: call Mel Preedy on 01432 769480 or clerk@