WHIST CLUB - At the whist drive held in the village hall on June 12, prizes were won by Evelyn Exton, Gwen Thomas, Kath Evans, Margaret Price, Mary Gates, Jim Price, Phil Farmer, Terry Beaumont and Bryn Thomas.

MC Rick Harris announced the next event planned to take place on Tuesday, will be the last in the current summer season.

COFFEE MORNING - Mary McQuiston is holding a coffee morning at her home, Cokesyeld Farm, on June 30. Entrance is £2 which includes coffee and biscuits. There will be a bring and buy and a raffle. Proceeds are for Saint Mary's Church.

VILLAGE WEEKEND - The weekend, August 18 and 19, will be a busy time in the village.

On Saturday several gardens will be open, there will be tea, a marquee, background music provided by a jazz band and a mini flower festival when it's planned to have tubs of flowers all over the village. On the Sunday there will be the village fete with stalls, teas in the hall, children's games and other festivities.