MURDER MYSTERY EVENING - Eardisley YFC holds a murder mystery evening on June 23, 7pm for 7.30pm, at Eardisley Village Hall.

Tickets are £15 for a three-course meal. A bar will also be available. Call Joy Davies on 01544 327052 for tickets.

SOCIAL WHIST - The next whist drive at the New Strand will be on Monday at 7.45pm, and not the usual last Monday of the month.

WOMEN’S INSTITUTE - At the monthly meeting today (Thursday) Derek Skeete, a member of the Hereford and Gloucester Canal Trust, will give a talk and presentation. Of interest to the general public, this will be an open meeting at 8pm. There will be a stall and a raffle. This month’s competition is for an item of canal art. Further details on 01544 327058 or 327700.

DIAMOND JUBILEE - Good weather on June 4 enabled celebrations to take place on the Millennium Green.

METHODIST CHURCH - On June 24 a midsummer songs of praise will be held in the chapel starting at 3pm. The service will be followed by afternoon tea.