COUNCIL - At its annual meeting, Breinton Parish Council re-elected Liz Morawiecka as chairman for an unprecedented fourth year in office. This is a reflection of all the hard work Liz has done for Breinton residents and the parish over these years. Tony Geeson continues as deputy chair.The councillors also co-opted Anthony Powers onto the parish council to fill the vacancy left by Pat Churchward’s resignation. Anthony is already hard at work on the community led plan, and arranging the Planning 4 Real event at Breinton fete on July 8. In her report, Coun Morawiecka thanked current and retired councillors and parishioners for their hard work over the last 12 months. She thanked county councillor Bob Matthews, the lengthsman, footpaths officer, internal auditor and clerk for their work. The chairman reminded everyone of the ongoing uncertainties over the local development framework (LDF), the localism act and neighbourhood planning.

She also encouraged everyone to support the community-led plan and Painting Breinton Green groups with their events and work.

Councillors agreed the accounts for the year to March 31, and these were used as a basis to complete the annual return and governance statement, which will be sent for external audit. Parish councillors agreed to donate £100 (along with the village hall committee and St Michael’s Church) to fund the jubilee celebrations which took place last weekend. The parish council will donate a Diamond Jubilee mug to all children living in Breinton, aged 11 and under.

Councillors and public at the meeting expressed their concern over the delays in repairing potholes. County councillor Adrian Blackshaw, the Herefordshire Council cabinet member for highways, will be invited to attend the next meeting of the parish council on July 4. The council expressed concern there seems to be a complete lack of public and county councillor scrutiny of the LDF review process, and parish councillors are very concerned with the latest developments in Herefordshire Council’s consideration of the LDF process.

FETE - The village fete is at Breinton House on July 8.

Dilwyn PARISH COUNCIL - The June meeting will be held at 7.30pm on Tuesday in the Cedar Hall.

All regular meetings of the parish council are open to the public.

CEDAR HALL - The hall’s AGM will be held at 7.30pm on Wednesday. It is an opportunity for all residents of the parish over the age of 18 to hear of the progress and future plans of the current hall management committee, who in accordance with the hall’s constitution automatically retire at the conclusion of the meeting. The meeting elects a new committee, which will include the filling of a number of vacancies. Talk to any current member of the management committee or just come along to the AGM if you are willing to give a few hours each month to the running and further improving of this key village facility.