WHIST - On May 21 players met at the New Strand for the monthly whist drive. MC Phillp Jenkins and his wife Rona welcomed players who came from various destinations. Prizes were won by Beryl Lewis, Rose Howells, Peggy Lloyd, Sandra Payne – who scored a magnificent 196 – Phil Farmer and Gwen Farmer. Note that the next event will be on June 18, not the last Monday in the month.

JUBILEE - Starting at 1pm on the Millennium Green on Monday, everyone is invited to the village party. There will be children’s fancy dress, face painting, treasure hunt and competitions.

There will be a big bring-and-share tea party. Tea and soft drinks will be provided and there will be a bar. To mark the occasion a tree will be planted. Entertainment will be provided by the Junior Choir and the Theatre Club. In the evening there will be a barbecue.

LIBRARY - Eardisley Community Library will be in the village hall from 2pm-4pm on June 26 and not June 19 as previously advertised.

PLANTS - Eardisley Tennis Club is now running a blooming good plant sale with something to suit everyone. For more details, call Norma Bishop on 01544 327540.