JUBILEE - Don’t miss the Diamond Jubilee celebrations on Tuesday starting at 4pm, with a street party in Moorend Drive by permission of Martin and Virginia Jolly. This will be a bring-and-share tea. Further information from Meg on 640129. There will be games for the energetic and a game of rounders in the evening followed by a barbecue by the pool.

SERVICES - The communion service will now be held at 11.30am on the second Sunday of each month – next, June 10 – and the lay-led family praise will be at 10am on the fourth Sunday each month (next on June 24).

PAUSE FOR THOUGHT - The next meeting is on June 21, at 7pm in the church. Come along and enjoy an hour of reflective thought and discussion.

COFFEE - Thanks go to everyone who helped and supported the joint coffee morning with Fromes Hill congregation for Christian Aid, which raised £151.

MEETING - There will be a PCC meeting on July 3, at The Hill Farm, at 7.30pm.