FLOWER FESTIVAL - Longtown Baptist and Salem Chapel will host a Flower Festival from June 1 to 5, from 11am to 5pm daily.

Visitors are very welcome.

SPORTS MORNING - Longtown Primary School will hold an Olympic community sports morning on Saturday from 10am to noon with fun and activities for the young and young at heart. Refreshments will be available.

JUBILEE - Clodock’s Diamond Jubilee event will take place on June 3, at the Cornewall Arms from 12.30pm. There will be a carnival, stalls and a raffle during the day.Tours of the church tower are being arranged and a guest bellringing team will join in the celebrations.

Other planned events are a duck race, a photographic competition and an evening auction.

The three charities benefiting from funds raised are the First Responders, the Air Ambulance and Charles Renton Cancer Unit.

Longtown’s Diamond Jubilee event is on June 5, beginning with a pageant in the castle grounds at 2pm. Other events including a tea party, games and races etc. will take place at the Village Hall and marquee.