FLICKS IN STICKS - In Almeley Village Hall next Thursday (May 24) at 7.30pm, see film Tinker,Tailor, Soldier, Spy (15). Tickets are £3.50, there is a bar available, raffle and cabaret seating, doors open at 7pm.

TEA PARTY - Amnesty International celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. There will be an AmnesTea Party at Newhouse Farm, Almeley, on May 28 from 3pm-5pm.

Everyone is welcome to tea and cakes and will be able to learn more about the achievements of Amnesty. Any donations will go to the charity. More information from Carey Glyn-Jones on 01544 327849.

ST MARY’S CHURCH - Greta Berrisford has made available prints and cards of a colour painting of the church by her late husband Peter Berrisford. Proceeds from the sale of these items will to to the church fabric fund.

For details, visit saintmaryalmeley.org.uk.

CRICKET CLUB - Friends and supporters of the club are reminded that the diamond celebrations of the club, which were to have been held on Saturday, have had to be postponed until June 24.