COFFEE - There will be a coffee morning at Lower Upcoott, the home of Peter and Buzz Cripwell, next Friday at 10.30am. Admission is £2. There will be a raffle and a bring-andbuy.

The proceeds are for St Mary’s Church.

CHRISTIAN AID WEEK - Christian Aid Week runs from May 13-19. Subscribers are asked to leave their envelopes in the church or at the September Organic Farm Shop.

WOMEN’S INSTITUTE - At the next meeting of Almeley WI there will be a members’ show and tell. Members are invited to bring along a treasure and tell the story behind it. The competition will be for a photograph and caption. Visitors will be made very welcome.

SOCIAL CLUB - A visit has been arranged to Westonbury Water Gardens on May 16, starting with a lunch at the King’s House in nearby Pembridge. Further details from Dorothy Hall on 01544 327259.

COUNCIL - The annual meeting of the parish council is in the village hall at 8pm on May 16, followed by the monthly council meeting.