FUND-RAISING - Two successful coffee mornings were held recently in the village.

Ann and Derek Terry thank everyone who supported their event which raised £539 for the Meningitis Trust. Members of the Eardisley Methodist Chapel also had a very pleasant social bring-and-buy with tea, coffee and cakes in the chapel on April 15.

CINEMA - A large audience enjoyed the film in the village hall on April 20. The next evening event will be on May 18. A list of the forthcoming films is displayed in the hall.

WHIST - The whist drives in the New Strand are proving very popular with the room filled to capacity. Players who won prizes on April 16 were Kath Jenkins, Margaret Kerrigan, Allan Ray, Frank Evans and Trevor Chant. The next will be on May 21 at 7.45pm.

COMMUNITY SHOP - The village hall committee will be running the community shop in High Street, Kington, from tomorrow (Friday) until May 4. Help in any form will be greatly appreciated.