FAMILY PRAISE - Join family praise on May 13 when Archdeacon Paddy Benson will be leading the service. Bring a photo of your oldest ancestor. Stay for coffee/tea or squash at the end of the service.

COFFEE MORNING - On May 8 join friends from Fromes Hill for a church coffee morning (10.30am-noon) to raise much-needed funds for Christian Aid.

PAUSE FOR THOUGHT - The next Pause for Thought will be on May 17 and will be held at the church – outside if fine and inside if wet.

A prayer tree has sprung up in the chancel, where anyone can write their prayer on a dove and hang it on the tree. These are brought to Pause for Thought for reflection in prayer. This is very popular with many visitors to the church as well as locals.

SERVICE - This month’s holy communion will be celebrated on May 27 at 8.30am.