QUIZ NIGHT TOMORROW - A quiz night will be held tomorrow (Friday) in Luctonians Clubhouse at 7.30pm, £2.50 per person (teams of up to six). Age 14 plus (two adults min in teams). There will be a bar and raffle.

For more info ring Lisa 01568 708002/ 07970 952088.

FUND-RAISERS - Coronation Hall Fund-raisers are holding a soup lunch next Wednesday from 12noon - 2pm at Westmead, courtesy of Bryan and Jackie Markham - £5 entry The next fundraiser for the refurbishment of the Hall is a soup lunch. Everyone welcome.

Raffle on the day.

QUIZ AND SUPPER NIGHT - Will take place on Saturday, April 28, in the hall at 7.30pm.

Tickets £7.50 per person to include supper (teams of up to six people) available from Markhams Garage and Lisa Juson 01568 708002 / 07970 952088. Bar on the night and raffle.