TENNIS COACHING STARTING TODAY - Steve will be starting a new term of coaching at Eardisley Tennis Club today (Thursday).

Sessions will run from 4-5pm for Mini tennis (four-eight yrs) and 5-6pm for juniors (nine- 16yrs) there is also the possibility of adult coaching from 7-8pm if there is enough demand. So get in touch with Steve asap on 07814 534998 or

Eardisley Tennis Club will also be running their own Mini Tennis sessions starting on Tuesday, 3.30-4.30pm to provide the kids with an introduction to tennis.

THEATRE GROUP - This Saturday the Eardisley Little Theatre group will be performing the two plays that they recently entered in the Hereford Drama Festival. They are A Respectable Funeral by Jimmy Chinn and The Metta Plays by Andrew Biss. Starts 7.30pm, admission £5 for adults and £3 for children.

LIBRARY - The Eardisley Community Library will be open from 2-4pm in the village hall next Tuesday.

COMMUNITY SHOP - The Eardisley Hall committee will be using the community shop in Kington High Street from April 27 until May 4.

Stock and offers of help to man the shop are needed. Please contact Ann Wood on 01544 327237 or Gladys Henesey on 01544 327862 for further details.

NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH -The next meeting of the Eardisley branch will be at the New Strand on April 30 at 7.30pm.