YOGA - Group classes at Moccas Village Hall on Monday evenings, 6.45pm- 8pm, start for suimmer term on April 23. The class is suitable for anyone with or without experience to try yoga postures, yoga breathing and reflective meditative practices. Classes cost £5 on a drop in basis or £4 if you book six lessons.

Call Nicky Jacques on 07817 268689 or email

RAILWAY CLUB - The last meeting until September is tomorrow (Friday) at 7.30pm in the village hall. This is a small group of railway enthusiasts with a wide range of interests from N gauge to full size railways.

Everyone welcome to bring-and-buy, licensed bar, entrance £2 adults, accompanied under-16s free. Further details from Phil on 01981 500675 (7pm to 9pm).

EASTER BINGO - At the village hall, doors open 7.30pm with eyes down at 8pm. Hot cross buns in the interval, raffle. Prize donations to 5,Cornewall Close or on the evening PHOTO ALBUM - Thanks go to those who have contributed to the 10th anniversary photo album celebrating the village hall’s opening. It’s still not too late to take part as the closing date has been extended to April 7. Contact Phil (as above) for further details.