EASTER BINGO - March 30, Eardisley YFC hosting a easter bingo night at Eardisley Village Hall. Eyes down at 7.30pm. Raffle and light refreshments will be available.

SOCIAL WHIST DRIVE - Players are reminded that the next whist drive at the New Strand will be on Monday, and not on the last Monday in the month. Play starts at 7.45pm.

LIBRARY - The Eardisley Community Library is being launched in the village hall, from 2 to 4pm on March 27. Please come and support this new enterprise.

COMMUNITY SHOP - It is hoped that the spring weather will encourage residents to sort out their unwanted items for the community shop, in Kington which will run from April 27 until May 4. This project is to raise funds to keep the village hall functioning.

Please contact Ann Wood 01544 327237, or Gladys Hennesey 01544 327862 for further details.