LITTER PICK - Eardisland in Bloom is organising a litter pick on Saturday, March 24, with volunteers meeting outside the shop at 10am. Reflective jackets, litter grabbers and black sacks will be provided. It is hoped to clean up as much of the village as possible, including the lanes which have sadly accumulated rubbish over the winter.

CHILDREN’S ALLOTMENT - At the same date and time all children in the parish are invited to attend the new allotment plot at Oaks View Allotment in order to dig in some vegetables.

Please bring old clothing, a spade or trowel and your mum or dad.

COFFEE MORNING ON SATURDAY - Eardisland WI will be running a spring coffee morning this Saturday from 10.30am - 12noon in the village hall. There will be cakes for sale, bring-and-buy, book and bottle stalls, and a raffle. A donation will be made to Macmillan Nurses.