PARISH COUNCIL - The next meeting of Eardisley Group PC is in Winforton Community Hall at 7.30pm on March 19.

SOCIAL WHIST- The monthly whist drives held in the New Strand continues to attract new players. Prizewinners on February 27 were Nicky Handley, Rose Howells, Sue Davies, Michael Handley, Krit and Sue Holdaway. Note that the next whist drive will be on March 19, not March 26. Play starts at 7.45pm. New players will be welcome.

LITTLE THEATRE CLUB - The annual general meeting of the club will be on March 19, in the village hall, starting at 7.30pm. New committee members will be welcomed. The annual dinner dance is on March 24 in the village hall. Tickets cost £15 which includes a two-course hot meal. The optional theme for the fancy dress is Disney. The hall will be open on Saturday from 2pm-4pm for the display of costumes which can be borrowed for the occasion. Call Val on 01544 327700 for more information.

LIBRARY - Through the work of the hall committee, a community library will be launched in the village hall on March 27, between 2pm and 4pm. Tea and cakes will be available.

Further details from Ann Wood on 01544 327237.