CONCERT - Hereford Rail Male Voice Choir appeared in concert at St Mary's Church on the evening of February 11, and superbly entertained an audience of just under 100.

The event raised a profit of £532 to be divided equally between the church and Eardisland Bowling Club. Thanks go to the choir and all those who attended or made donations.

EARDISLAND IN BLOOM - Twelve local children supported the first event at the newly created children’s allotment and helped to plant four young fruit trees before enjoying orange squash and a biscuit or two. A further plating event will be held on March 24 at 10am. At the same time In Bloom, with the support of Amey, is organising a village litter pick, with volunteers asked to meet outside the community shop. Reflective jackets, gloves, grabbers and sacks will be provided.

COFFEE - Eardisland WI will be running a spring coffee morning on March 17, from 10.30am to noon in the village hall. There will be cakes for sale, bring-and-buy, book and bottle stalls and a raffle. A donation will be made to Macmillan Nurses.