WILLOW WEAVING - There will be willow weaving sculpture day at Woodehouse Farm, Lemore, on February 4. Taking place indoors the cost per person is £35, which includes tuition, the willow, a soup lunch and a donation to Leominster-based charity Echo. For more information, call Carey-Glyn Jones on 01544 327849.

FUN DAY - At a recent meeting the idea was suggested of a fun day, to be held on the Millennium Green to celebrate the Queen’s diamond jubilee in June. An open meeting is planned in the village hall next Thursday, February 2, to discuss the project. Ideas will be warmly welcomed.

SOCIAL WHIST DRIVE - The first meeting will take place in the New Strand on Monday.

Play starts at 7.45pm and new and former players will be very welcome.

TENNIS CLUB - The club is offering 15 months’ membership for the price of 12. For details, call Norma Bishop on 01544 327540.