VILLAGE HALL - In association with Arts Alive, the Northumberland Theatre Company will be presenting Hansel and Gretel in the village hall tomorrow (Friday). The performance starts at 7pm. Tickets are obtainable at the Village Stores, costing £8 for adults and £4 for children. Further information from Paul Cheetham 01544 327413. Once again the Christmas lunch was very successful and raised more than £150 for the charity Hereford Open Door. Future Sunday lunches will be on February 12, April 15, October 14 and December 16. The next meeting of Eardisley Group Parish Council will be in the hall at 7.30pm on Monday. When the WI gathers for its January meeting, Nick Baker will be speaking on the subject of alternative energy in Eardisley.

CHURCHES - The very successful bazaar held in St Mary Magdalene Church in December raised £1,003 for church funds.

At the Methodist Church, preachers for the 11am services will be Rev R Crew on January 8, Mr F Hooley on January 22 and Rev Don Pickard on january 29. There will be no service in Eardisley Chapel on January 15, but there will be a service in the Methodist Chapel in Prestiegne at 10.30am that day.