PARISH COUNCIL - Councillors reviewed the public meeting held at Whitecross School recently, and also the success of the day leafleting the public in High Town. Time is running out for the public to respond to Herefordshire Council on its latest preferred option on the Local Development Framework.

Councillors agreed to changes in the draft response on the LDF, before submission to Herefordshire Council. CSO Dean Wall advised councillors there had been no reported crime in the parish that month, but there has been a recent spate of fly tipping which will be reported to the enforcement team accordingly. Councillors agreed to go ahead with a public meeting on January 21 to start the process of updating the community- led plan and also start to consider a sustainability action plan and a neighbourhood plan. The meeting will be chaired by Lynda Wilcox and hopefully form a steering group to take the lead in organising the review of these issues.

The recent bonfire and firework party at Lower Hill Farm had been a tremendous success, and thanks went to Richard Treloar for hosting the event. A presentation was made to Richard and Margaret Newcomb as this was the last year they will organise and run the barbecue for the party.

Residents of Breinton parish are invited to attend the next parish council meeting at the village hall tomorrow (Friday), when Christmas nibbles will be provided after the meeting. Further information can be found at