Longtown AND DISTRICT WI - Next meeting will be Tuesday at 7.15pm. Tim and Bryony Longden will give a talk about the time they lived in Botswana called Some Near Escapes in Africa. Visitors are welcome at 8pm, at a charge of £1 each.

BOOK SALE - St Margaret's Church will hold a book sale on Saturday, from 10am to 1pm. Refreshments are available and all proceeds go to the church.

QUIZ NIGHT - Escleyside Hall will host a quiz night on Saturday, at 7.30pm.Tickets cost £5, children aged 12 and under £2.50, from any member of the hall committee or telephone 01981 510263. There will be a bar and raffle.

SUNDAY SCHOOL - Will be held in Longtown Primary School each Sunday during term time beginning on Sunday, from 10-11am. All children over the age of five are welcome to participate in the stories, song, plays and craft.

SCHOOL GARDEN CLUB - Longtown Community Primary School's garden won a prize at the Longtown show - well done to all who take part in the garden club.