AT the recent Breinton parish council meeting Mel Preedy of Hereford Association of Local Councils (HALC) explained how to prepare a community led plan (CLP) which will replace the current parish plan.

Parish councillors agreed to use the existing plan as a basis but build in new themes that are of current concern to Breinton residents, such as housing and planning. Parishioners will be consulted and the CLP will eventually form part of the Herefordshire Council’s local development framework (LDF). Further details will be publicised later.

The police report from CSO Dean Wall included only a couple of minor incidents in Breinton in August, and the security patrols to Breinton Springs are helping the situation.

Parish councillors have already agreed to fund the annual fireworks party again this year and further details about this will follow when confirmed.

Councillors expressed their continued frustration at the way in which Herefordshire Council does not seem to be following the democratic process in making its decisions, particularly in relation to the LDF and relief road. Herefordshire Council will be issuing its revised strategy on September 26 and will hold a consultation period until November 25.

Breinton parish councillors will be arranging a public meeting for parishioners where it is hoped that officers and cabinet members from Herefordshire Council will attend to explain these revised proposals.

It is the Queen’s Jubilee next June and along with the village hall committee and the church, Breinton Parish Council will arrange celebrations to mark the event.

Parish councillors decided to start future parish council meetings at 7pm rather than 7.30pm as at present.

The next meeting will be at 7pm on October 19 at Breinton Village Hall.