SUMMER FETE - To be held in the church grounds on July 2, at 3pm.

Attractions to include children's fancy dress competition, cake stall, preserves, produce, plants, Chinese auction, bottle stall and bric a brac. There will be a display of old and current photographs of the village, its people and events. The prize draw will take place and the winner of the village quiz will be announced. As always, excellent refreshments will be available. Everyone warmly welcome to a fun family day out.

GLADESTRY CHURCH IN WALES PRIMARY SCHOOL - On February 2, Class 1 went on a litter pick. After the top and bottom playgrounds were cleared of bits of wood, foam and plastic, the children also cleared a plastic bag, a tin can and at the park found more cans, bits of glass, wrappers and bits of plastic bottles - even a sweatshirt was found and hung on the fence. The litter was then taken back to school to be sorted and weighed. Some of the rubbish was recycled and the real rubbish then thrown away.

Eco-schools green flag number three. An eco schools officer recently visited the school to assess it with regard to a third green flag award. The eco schools portfolio was examined and pupils gave a presentation on their eco schools experience and also their thoughts on looking after planet earth. The officer was very impressed with all she saw and is recommending that a third flag is awarded in recognition of the pupils' achievements and all the good work done at Gladestry school.

The school has a paper bank which generates funds for the FROGS (friends of Gladestry school) and they can also arrange to recycle good quality second hand clothing, shoes, bedding etc.