GROUP PARISH MEETING - Amongst the items discussed at the recent meeting of the Staunton-on-Wye group parish council were:- Following the parish council elections in on May 5, one vacancy remained in the Brobury with Monnington ward. This was filled by the co-option of Nigel Sellars. T Bennett was re-elected as parish chairman.

Planning permission has been granted for the installation of a new wastewater treatment system at Oakchurch Farm.

An applicant has lodged an appeal against the H/council decision to refuse permission for development at Bliss House.

The parish council was unable to support an application for the demolition of an existing garage and construction of a new dwelling at the rear of Cherry Lyn, in Staunton-on-Wye for reasons of - highways safety, additional flooding risk on the road, reduction of privacy for neighbours dwellings and it was commented that a previous application at a house opposite had been refused for similar reasons.

It was decided to purchase new goalposts for the playing field and to review the condition of equipment in the playground.

A request has been made to BT for them to remove the red payphone box outside the new school.

The parish council wished to express thanks to Lee Mason for his continued efforts to maintain the Staunton-on-Wye war memorial and to Lorraine Boddington for acting as footpaths officer. Both of these items are done on a voluntary basis.

The next meeting will be held on September 26, commencing at 7.30pm.