CELEBRATION - St Peter’s Church was crowded for a celebration lunch for the 85th birthday of Maureen Bowran. Birthday gift donations from more than 50 guests were generously given to St Peter’s funds by Mrs Bowran who covered the expenses of the day herself. During the Holy Communion service earlier in the day, led by Rev Simon Lockett, Mrs Bowran chose the hymns, ending with Lord for the Years in thanks for her earlier life in education and for her retirement in Peterchurch, where she has been church organist for nearly 30 years.

FILM CLUB - St Peter’s Film Club at the church and centre will be showing films regularly on the first Saturday of each month at 2pm for children and at 7.30pm. Entry is by donation only (suggested at least £2.50).

Shepherd’s ice-creams, tea and coffee are available before or after the show at an additional charge. Saturday’s films are Wall-E (U) for the youngsters and Dark Blue World (12) at 7.30pm showing. For further details, call Mandy on 01981 550931.