SPRING CLEAN - Don’t forget the annual spring clean of the church tomorrow (Friday) at 10am. If you can spare a couple of hours please go along and take your cleaning equipment with you.

EASTER - Easter starts on Maundy Thursday when Jesus washed the disciples’ feet. On this day Beryl O’Farrell, a retired state registered podiastrist/chiropodist, will be holding a foot health clinic, 10am to 4pm, at Yew Tree Cottage for which donations will be accepted in aid of Castle Frome Church. In the early evening there will be the annual Agape meal at 6pm in the church to remember the Last Supper the disciples took with Jesus. This is a bring-and-share supper which will be eaten gathered before the altar while listening to readings during which wine and bread will be shared. To help arrange seating, please book by calling Pat on 01531 460438 or Louise on 640821. On Easter Sunday there will be communion service in church at 10am.