QUIZ NIGHT - The Welsh Ploughing Association is holding a quiz night tomorrow (Friday) in Llanarth Village Hall at 7.30pm, in aid of the All-Wales Ploughing and Hedging Championships to be held on September 17.

Entry is £5 per person (teams of up to six) to include refreshments.

CONCERT - This Saturday, there will be an evening at Kentchurch Court in aid of St Bridget’s Church, when mezzo soprano Sara Fulgoni and pianist Andrew Greenwood are performing at 7.30pm. Tickets are £32.50 including supper. For further information, visit friendsofstbridgetsskenfrith.co.uk.

PRODUCE MARKET - On April 9, from 10am to 1pm. Local produce and free entry at this monthly market. For details, visit skenfrith producemarket.co.uk.

STORYTELLING - On April 16, at 5pm, Daniel Morden and Oli Wilson-Dickson blend music, sound, song and the spoken word with The Luck Child at Skenfrith Village Hall. Suitable for ages seven and above. Adults £5 and children £3.50. Visit fiddle.org.uk.

YOGA - Yoga classes are held every Wednesday from 6pm to 7.30pm at Skenfrith Village Hall. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Contact Lisa Wise on 01600 750586.