MOCCAS RAILWAY CLUB - The last meeting until September is tomorrow (Friday) at 7.30pm in Moccas Village Hall. All the usual goodies, bring-and-buy sale and bar. Entrance £2 adults, accompanied under-16s free. Everybody welcome.

MOCCAS HALL - On Saturday at 7.30pm (doors open at 7pm) Borderlines Film Festival presents local archive film from 1910 to the 1950s, bringing to life the sights and sounds of Herefordshire and Shropshire in days gone by. Bar and ice creams available. For more details, call 07776 121956 CRICKET CLUB QUIZ - On April 1, 7.30pm for 8pm, £10 per team, maximum of four people in a team, just turn up on the night. Please bring your own drinks. For more details, call 01981 500268. All are welcome.