CHURCH NEWS - Lent Bible Studies will begin today (Thursday) at New Radnor rectory at 10.45am led by Rev Mark Beaton.

Yesterday (Ash Wednesday) at St Mary’s, Holy Communion was due to be celebrated with an act of public repentance, the marking of a cross on the forehead using ash generated by the burning of last year’s Palm Sunday palm crosses. Services at St Mary’s include Holy Communion on Sunday at 9.15am, morning prayer at 11.15am on March 20, Holy Communion at 6pm on March 27, and evening prayer on April 3 (Mothering Sunday) at 6pm.

SHORT MAT BOWLS - The club held its first friendly match on February 1 at home to Painscastle with Painscastle winning 30 to 26. Gladestry SMB meets on the second and fourth Tuesday evenings of the month at 7.30pm in the village hall. Contact Michael Johnson on 01544 370296 for further details.

TABLE TENNIS - It is hoped to start table tennis again and anyone interested should contact Viv Lloyd on 01544 370636.

WI - A Welsh evening of music, country dancing and light entertainment with the New Radnor Band will take place at the village hall tonight (Thursday) at 7.30 pm. Nonmembers £2, children accompanied by an adult £1. On Tuesday at 7.30pm Heather Barwick will give a talk on a South American adventure.