BINGO - Prize bingo in aid of the Air Ambulance will take place in Ashperton Village Hall on Wednesday. Doors open at 7pm for eyes down at 8pm.

Ashperton PARISH COUNCIL - At the January meeting councillors asked the clerk to investigate the possibility of giving all local children an appropriate souvenir of the 2012 diamond jubilee. Enquiries were to be made with other parish councils and with interested bodies. As a result of the resignation of the Ashperton Village Hall management committee it was agreed that management of the building would now become the responsibility of the parish council. Anyone who would like to take an active part in the future running of the hall is asked to contact the clerk on 01432 820074. Following a meeting with a representative of Herefordshire Probation Service, it has been confirmed that the hall could be redecorated as a community service project later in the year.