CEILIDH - A Burns’ Night ceilidh will be held at St Peter’s Church and Centre on Saturday at 7.15pm, with dancing to commence at 7.30pm. Come and share in the fun, see the haggis piped in and dance to Bandemonium.

Buffet supper and a bar. Tickets £8.50 per adult or £20 for a family ticket, to include supper). For tickets, call Enid on 01981 550683.

SPECIAL OFFER - Planning a children's party? There is a special offer of £11 for a whole session at St Peter’s Centre. Great facilities. Call 0788 087 4275 or 01981 550282 to book.

FESTIVAL - Come and enjoy film of times past in the villages and countryside of Herefordshire with Rewind in conjunction with the Huntley Film Archives on March 19.

The films will start at 7.30pm. Come early and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee or a Shepherd’s ice cream beforehand. On March 26 and April 9, St Peter’s take part in the Borderlines Film Festival. More details to follow.

GREEN POWER - Peterchurch Primary School has been given a £23,178 grant from the EDF Energy Green Fund to help pay for solar panels and an air source heat pump. The school is already implementing a range of sustainable habits, as one of more than 11,000 schools that are part of The Pod, EDF Energy’s online programme for greener schools. With the panels, the school to generate its own energy – powering the likes of computers and lighting – while saving money and cutting carbon emissions.

Confirmation of the grant comes after another renewable energy project in the county, The Cart Shed in Norton Canon, heard that it, too, had received a grant of £25,000 towards a wind turbine, solar panels and a heat pump, through the fund.