PARISH COUNCIL - At the December meeting chairman Liz Morawiecka advised that the meeting of Herefordshire Council overview and scrutiny committee, planned for December 17, was cancelled. It was to have considered the Local Development Framework (LDF) which includes the proposed housing development and relief road in Hereford. Parish councillors expressed concern that this is likely to impact on the whole LDF process and have written to Herefordshire Council for an explanation of where this leaves the LDF process. Parish councillors are still awaiting answers to questions they submitted to the committee. Concern over the LDF also throws doubt over the Local Transport Plan 3 currently being considered by Herefordshire Council.

The parish council has received requests for many of the trees provided by the Woodland Trust though there are still some rowan, oak and birch available to be planted where they can be enjoyed by the public. Councillors will consider this at the January meeting. There are a few issues over grit bins, potholes and drainage in Breinton. Contractor Amey is attending to the more urgent of these problems, though some of the less dangerous potholes will not be repaired until there is an improvement in the weather to ensure the repairs last longer.

PC Pam Epton gave a report and asked that residents report all suspicious vehicles to the police. There was one report of fly-tipping at Breinton Springs and PC Epton advised she will be meeting the National Trust in the New Year to address any problems at Breinton Springs. Ward councillor Bob Matthews advised that more work will be done along Church Walk to improve the drainage and the hedges will be cut. Work is also due to start on footpaths and cycleways in the Kings Acre Road area. The speed limits along the A438 and A480 are also under consideration with councillors pressing for a reduction there and at Breinton Common.

The parish council has been given until January 31 to decide on the level of precept for the 2011/12 year. Parish councillors are aware of the current economic climate, though they may need to consider the cost of the 2011 elections in the calculations. Councillors are also looking into the feasibility of setting up a parish council website. The council and parish footpaths officer John Wade are considering whether or not to adopt the footpaths scheme, under which it will assume responsibility for maintaining footpaths in the parish, in return for a grant from Herefordshire Council.

It was agreed that the clerk will arrange for Mark Tansley, leader of Hereford-shire Council planning enforcement team, to give an overview of his team’s work at the parish council meeting in February.