PARISH COUNCIL - The council is continuing the fight against Herefordshire Council’s ‘preferred option’ proposals to build a minimum of 8,500 new homes in Hereford to fund a road. Trinity School hosted a public meeting where Councillor Jarvis, cabinet member for environment and strategic housing, and four senior planning officers from Herefordshire Council went away in no doubt of the thoughts and arguments against the council’s plans, of the 150 people packed into the hall. During the meeting Coun Jarvis and the officers agreed to extend the consultation deadline until November 19, to give people more time to respond to the proposals.

Breinton parish councillors held their monthly meeting on November 10, and ideas to continue the campaign included fighting for Herefordshire Council to delay its final decision until after the elections in May 2011, and although mindful of cost, consider the possibilities of a referendum on the issue. In addition, councillors will follow up contacts with Natural England and other environmental agencies. The parish council reminded residents to complete and submit feedback on the preferred option by November 19. The next parish council meeting, to include Christmas nibbles, will be at the village hall on December 8, starting 7.30pm.

FIREWORKS - The annual firework party went ahead at Lower Hill Farm on bonfire night. Despite the weather, 70 people enjoyed the wonderful bonfire and firework display, as well as the hot dogs, cake and drinks provided.