FETE - We had a very successful afternoon for our fete, which included the dog show, car boot and Morris dancers and many more attractions. They all helped to draw in the crowd, as we had a very high attendance. We raised £1,258, which will be equally split between Moccas village hall and Moccas church. Dog owners came from all over the county to enter the six classes but local lad Charlie Roper and his labrador Bono took the show champion award. Many thanks to everyone for their hard work.

CHURCH - Holy Communion service will be on Sunday at 8am.

FLOWER SHOW - On Saturday, August 14, at 2pm, schedules are still available.

Please could trophies from last year be returned by August 1. Contact 01981 500675 for further information (between 7pm and 9pm please).

MOBILE LIBRARY - Today (Thursday) from 1.05pm to 1.35pm at Moccas Hall.