WHEN trouble troubles you, the only thing to do is - dance!

Hereford Amateur Operatic Society's production of the 1920s pastiche, The Boyfriend, will be playing at the Courtyard theatre from Tuesday.

Director Jon Stacey draws on a range of talent in the show, from society stalwart Mike Tomkins - who plays Lord Brockhurst for the third time - to several of the younger members who are taking their first lead roles with the society, including Jamie Harris and Becky Morris.

Set in the south of France at an exclusive finishing school for young ladies, the show draws on a number of musical and dance styles from the Jazz Age, ranging from the frenetic and energetic Won't You Charleston With Me? and The Riviera, to the sedate A Room in Bloomsbury, itself reminiscent of the songs of Noel Coward.

Tickets for The Boyfriend are available on 0870 1122330. The show runs to Saturday, April 29.