THE story of swimming in Leominster and how north Herefordshire gained a new pool to be proud of is the focus of a DVD commissioned by Celebrating Creation and directed by Leominster-based film-maker Paul Wright.

The first film, Backstrokes, tells the story of swimming in Leominster over eight decades through interviews with key local people, pictures and archive footage.

Among those featured are a founder member of the Kingfishers Swimming Club, who remembers Leominster's very first pool in the 1920s, and Leominster's Charlotte Bufton, twice junior competitor for England.

The second sequence, We Want our Pool, We GOT Our Pool, brings the story up to date with WWOP's campaign to raise a quarter of a million pounds.

It culminates in the lively Splashout community celebration for the opening of the new pool on January 14 with colourful costumes, original music, dance and spectacle by local schools and adult groups.

The DVD is available, priced £8, from Leominster Swimming Pool and Aladdin's shop, Lower Bridge Street.